Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Australian's

Okay so yesterday was really good.... had a complete stranger come and stay in our house for the night... but he was Australian so it was okay.

My brother plays cricket for our school and they were playing against the first 11 cricket team from Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School - MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA! Wow. 
 They're having like a 3 week tour here, going all over the country, staying with 8 different families, playing cricket against different teams almost everydayand still have time to go site seeing.

Well my story is:
When I found out we would have an Aussie to stay I was like ooooooommmmmmmggggggggg !!!! Seriously soooo excited!!! And that never went away! It was 1.15pm yesterday (Monday) afternoon and I walked out to the cricket pitch with 3 friends to find a few tables, a BBQ, a marquee and a few lads practising... nothing happened for about 45 mintues so we just chilled in the sun. At 2pm the coach came through the gates and I propped up staring at it while it parked. "omg there are Aussies on that coach... they live sooo far away in an amazing country, please come out and talk." I was dreading having to leave for my 5th lesson in 15 minutes, really did not want to go. They all got off the coach pretty quickly and dumped all their cricket bags on the field, stripped and got changed (ha) and *dingdingding* - oh great, lesson. I said "I'm not moving until I hear them talk". They were quite far away but I heard really quietly just a couple of things.... daym. Oh well I'll be back!
*1 hour later*
*runs back to field*
*game is on, everyone chilling*
*Shenfield are doing crap*
*Aussies are sitting over there <-- and English are over here --> bit awkward.*
Bla bla bla ..... game goes on. *sunbathes, stares at Aussies thinking what one shall I take*
Then I hear lots of laughter and I'm like omg, we're meddling. (Shenfield were fielding so it was basically Andy & Matt (from school) with like ALL the Aussies... laughing. I jumped up so quick and ran over, like omg how am I missing this, jesus... TTTAAALLLKKKK YOU AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE!
Played it cool:
Me: "What are you guys laughing at?"
Andy: "CLARE! I've picked the best guy to stay at yours, he has the best stories... he's basically ruined his life. Daniel meet Clare!"
Daniel (AUSSIE! - say this in Aussie accent): "Hey Clare!"
Clare: "Tell me the story!"
Daniel: "Ah no way man, just too embarrassing... basically it was a drunked thing!"
Aussies: *look of confusion*
Clare and Andy: *creasing up*
Clare: "Basically there's a really bad soap over here called "Emmerdale". That's amazing that there is someone on this planet with that name."
Daniel: "Ah I rated her a .5 outta 10"
Daniels friend: "Yeah she really was gross... then she stole her jumper and when he was drunk one night, he went round there, and ended up having sex with her."
*erruption of laughter*
Andy: "Oh.. mate..."
After the game had finished, the teams exchanged hats and all that shiz, there was speeches etc. Then the BBQ got started and the beer came out! All the boys who had played cricket were playing rugby all over the field and it was just so good to watch them all merging and loving it (soppy momento). I had a Peroni, a burger and a cake. Did I mention the weather was lusssssssssh?
More stories were being told... One guy from Aus ran 3km to ask a girl out... and she rejected him. But we were all in hysterics. We were all gathered round in a little group and were disscussing EMMA DALE, got her up on facebook... she really is a 0.5/10 haha! That was funny to see actually, poor girl. Then one of my brothers friends mum had to tiny dogs... I mean TINY. Chiwahwahs or however you spell them...
Aussie: "Who's rats are they?!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Brother's friend standing right next to him: "Mine mate.... *everyone laughs inc boy*
Aussie: *whistles to dog* *dogs come running over* *Aussie gets scared and jumps up*
Brother's friend: "Watch it mate... they might start humping ya...."
FUNNY! (another had to be there moment to seriously understand how hilarious this was).

Then it was time to be allocated our "Aussie" for the night :)
I said to Daniel that we'd have him cos he had hilarious stories. But already found out my mum asked for a small person. So I heard their coach say to Sam "Ah you have Susanne Moreton"
Me: "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH THAT'S US! Well... I'm not Susanne. ........... I'm Clare...... but you're with me!"
First impression: Quiet, didn't really get involved, looked really young (but tall), probably wouldn't enjoy his stay at our house, awkward.. etcetc.
He was soooooo lovely, polite, chatty, made himself at home, shared an interest in everything, said thank you to everyone for everything, left us some presents, exchanged email addresses with my brother.
I have to admit when he said "I'll just have a glass of water if that's alright".... IT ACTUALLY MADE ME DIE A BIT INSIDE. And when he said the word "France", just that.... OMG. SERIOUSLY. AMAZING.
We got home from the school at about 8.30 so we kinda all just sat in the living room talking to him, mostly about his life, cos it was so goddam interesting!!!!!!!! Went to bed about 11... he was in my bros room - I could hear them chatting... so CUTE!
In the morning, I didn't forget he was here, but I kinda forgot about the accent. So as I was getting ready in my room, I heard him go downstairs and say "Goodmorning, I had a great sleep!" and I died again.
My dad was cooking a full English breakfast (we should have guests more often) he seemed to really enjoy it... He enjoyed watching Daybreak as well (whatever floats your boat!)
It came to 8.15am and my dad gave us all a lift to school in his van. Me and Rob took him to the sports hall where all the Aussie kids were waiting. Took them round to the coaches and waved them off.

It was actually so sad to see them go, and I know I had only been with them for less than 24 hours but it was bloody hilarious, they're ALL so friendly, chatty, quick witted, bantery people! It's amazing how sad you actually feel when you realise you'll never see them again.

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