Tuesday 5 July 2011

The Australian's

Okay so yesterday was really good.... had a complete stranger come and stay in our house for the night... but he was Australian so it was okay.

My brother plays cricket for our school and they were playing against the first 11 cricket team from Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School - MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA! Wow. 
 They're having like a 3 week tour here, going all over the country, staying with 8 different families, playing cricket against different teams almost everydayand still have time to go site seeing.

Well my story is:
When I found out we would have an Aussie to stay I was like ooooooommmmmmmggggggggg !!!! Seriously soooo excited!!! And that never went away! It was 1.15pm yesterday (Monday) afternoon and I walked out to the cricket pitch with 3 friends to find a few tables, a BBQ, a marquee and a few lads practising... nothing happened for about 45 mintues so we just chilled in the sun. At 2pm the coach came through the gates and I propped up staring at it while it parked. "omg there are Aussies on that coach... they live sooo far away in an amazing country, please come out and talk." I was dreading having to leave for my 5th lesson in 15 minutes, really did not want to go. They all got off the coach pretty quickly and dumped all their cricket bags on the field, stripped and got changed (ha) and *dingdingding* - oh great, lesson. I said "I'm not moving until I hear them talk". They were quite far away but I heard really quietly just a couple of things.... daym. Oh well I'll be back!
*1 hour later*
*runs back to field*
*game is on, everyone chilling*
*Shenfield are doing crap*
*Aussies are sitting over there <-- and English are over here --> bit awkward.*
Bla bla bla ..... game goes on. *sunbathes, stares at Aussies thinking what one shall I take*
Then I hear lots of laughter and I'm like omg, we're meddling. (Shenfield were fielding so it was basically Andy & Matt (from school) with like ALL the Aussies... laughing. I jumped up so quick and ran over, like omg how am I missing this, jesus... TTTAAALLLKKKK YOU AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE!
Played it cool:
Me: "What are you guys laughing at?"
Andy: "CLARE! I've picked the best guy to stay at yours, he has the best stories... he's basically ruined his life. Daniel meet Clare!"
Daniel (AUSSIE! - say this in Aussie accent): "Hey Clare!"
Clare: "Tell me the story!"
Daniel: "Ah no way man, just too embarrassing... basically it was a drunked thing!"
Aussies: *look of confusion*
Clare and Andy: *creasing up*
Clare: "Basically there's a really bad soap over here called "Emmerdale". That's amazing that there is someone on this planet with that name."
Daniel: "Ah I rated her a .5 outta 10"
Daniels friend: "Yeah she really was gross... then she stole her jumper and when he was drunk one night, he went round there, and ended up having sex with her."
*erruption of laughter*
Andy: "Oh.. mate..."
After the game had finished, the teams exchanged hats and all that shiz, there was speeches etc. Then the BBQ got started and the beer came out! All the boys who had played cricket were playing rugby all over the field and it was just so good to watch them all merging and loving it (soppy momento). I had a Peroni, a burger and a cake. Did I mention the weather was lusssssssssh?
More stories were being told... One guy from Aus ran 3km to ask a girl out... and she rejected him. But we were all in hysterics. We were all gathered round in a little group and were disscussing EMMA DALE, got her up on facebook... she really is a 0.5/10 haha! That was funny to see actually, poor girl. Then one of my brothers friends mum had to tiny dogs... I mean TINY. Chiwahwahs or however you spell them...
Aussie: "Who's rats are they?!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Brother's friend standing right next to him: "Mine mate.... *everyone laughs inc boy*
Aussie: *whistles to dog* *dogs come running over* *Aussie gets scared and jumps up*
Brother's friend: "Watch it mate... they might start humping ya...."
FUNNY! (another had to be there moment to seriously understand how hilarious this was).

Then it was time to be allocated our "Aussie" for the night :)
I said to Daniel that we'd have him cos he had hilarious stories. But already found out my mum asked for a small person. So I heard their coach say to Sam "Ah you have Susanne Moreton"
Me: "OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH THAT'S US! Well... I'm not Susanne. ........... I'm Clare...... but you're with me!"
First impression: Quiet, didn't really get involved, looked really young (but tall), probably wouldn't enjoy his stay at our house, awkward.. etcetc.
He was soooooo lovely, polite, chatty, made himself at home, shared an interest in everything, said thank you to everyone for everything, left us some presents, exchanged email addresses with my brother.
I have to admit when he said "I'll just have a glass of water if that's alright".... IT ACTUALLY MADE ME DIE A BIT INSIDE. And when he said the word "France", just that.... OMG. SERIOUSLY. AMAZING.
We got home from the school at about 8.30 so we kinda all just sat in the living room talking to him, mostly about his life, cos it was so goddam interesting!!!!!!!! Went to bed about 11... he was in my bros room - I could hear them chatting... so CUTE!
In the morning, I didn't forget he was here, but I kinda forgot about the accent. So as I was getting ready in my room, I heard him go downstairs and say "Goodmorning, I had a great sleep!" and I died again.
My dad was cooking a full English breakfast (we should have guests more often) he seemed to really enjoy it... He enjoyed watching Daybreak as well (whatever floats your boat!)
It came to 8.15am and my dad gave us all a lift to school in his van. Me and Rob took him to the sports hall where all the Aussie kids were waiting. Took them round to the coaches and waved them off.

It was actually so sad to see them go, and I know I had only been with them for less than 24 hours but it was bloody hilarious, they're ALL so friendly, chatty, quick witted, bantery people! It's amazing how sad you actually feel when you realise you'll never see them again.

Friday 17 June 2011

Oh wow

Hi. So I haven't blogged in a long time now. Since 31/12/10. Wowzaaa. That was a long time ago now.
Obviously I've been far too busy...
Exams (x2 sets) - why is "exams" always the number one reason why I've been busy
SOCIALISING. (much better)
and ya know... other life... things.

So today we started our history coursework on Henry VIII - I'm dropping the subject anyway so it seems a bit pointless. Anyhoo we have to record all the websites we go on/books we read/films we watch etc etc. And we have to record it on blogger (oosh). Whilst I was chatting typing on about Henry VIII film, I thought "Hmm I ain't written about my own life in a while" so hey, here I am. I also said to my friend "I have my own blogger, where I just record random things for my own benefit to look back on later on in life." And that's all this is really, I don't give a shizzle bizzle who reads this, and noone probably will. But in 50 years (maybe not quite that long)(laptops and internet will probably be something of the past by then somehow....) I'll be able to come on to this blog thing and be like "oo what did I do on the 17th June 2011?" Probably something, maye nothing. Nothing important anyway... well it's only 16.55pm - I spose something drastic could happen in the next 7 hours (really? no)(My God, I feel like I've jinxed my whole life now - how much could happen going to Nandos with two freaks best friends - Tabi and Megan? Hmm, well come to think of it, probably a lot!
OMG I'M WAFFLING. *future Clare*="My God I was so boring!"
I'll set the scene:
I'm sitting at my cluttered desk, with my ipod playing (Alexisonfire - Drunks, Lovers, Sinners And Saints (pleasant)). I'm wearing a long white sleeved top, and black trousers (sixth form shizangy). I've just ordered Rachel's 17th birthday present, but in the 0.1% chance she MIGHT know I have a blog (she doesn't) and that she MIGHT read it (she won't) I won't say. IT'S EXCITING. I WANT ONE. I'm going to Nandos (as I already said) so that should be fuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn. (: I've just realised I like brackets..... ()()()()()()()())()()()()()(()()()(()()()()()( BRAAAAACCCKKKKKEEEETSSS! - Use them tooooooooooo often!) Lovely. Oh yeah! My bro came home from his maths revision session, "Mr. Drew gave me a chocolate to give to you. *hands over empty rapper* "But I ate it." Me: "YOU DICK!" That genuinely did annoy me but oh well he's the sucker with braces. Mwahahahahaha. It's a Friday yaaaay :D Tomorrows plan: NO IDEA.
*jives to some music*
School dragged today
*jives again*
Funny thing is... I can actually imagine myself sitting here in a few years re-reading this like
 Found this just now on my "Randoms" folder in My Pictures.... FRIGGIN LOL!!!
OMG I feel like such a saddo... I obviously have no life... should go do something productive before Mum comes home and says "What have you been doing since 3.30?"
Over and out.

Friday 31 December 2010

My 2010

1st: So I entered the new year with two best friends, Louise Jones and Megan Blackwood. It was a good new years eve even if we didn't do much, except play scary games and take loads of pretty photos!

2nd-16th: Work Experience in Plymouth! Stayed with Aunty Sue and the kids for couple of days then had to trek over the moors in the 10" of snow or whatever it was to live with my Great Great Aunty Joanie cos I couldn't get into work. I worked in a medical school researching diabetes.. it was one the best experiences of my life.

29th: Round Tabi's with a disco ball and some werid geek glasses (Y)

5th: Sophie's birthday gathering, just crashed on her floor and watched films :)

12th-21st: Something I won't ever forget. Going to stay with Aaron in Cyprus and just having a casual holiday in February half term! hggjhhhkiivjosvaidioadhv!!!!!!

23rd: An Inspector Calls trip with the school. The most boring play of my life... nearly fell asleep.

26th: Round Louise's house with Megan, took some funny pictures and videos. Chat Roulette!!!

27th: Took Nic to the pub for a lunch, then had a surprise 50th party for Tony, bless him!

12th: Chloe's birthday gathering, went to Pizza Express :)

14th: Mothers Day in the Toby Carvery, was packed and I don't think I have ever eaten so much in my life!

21st: Meal in Joy Fook for mums birthday. Just love it there.

30th: DofE trek with Louise, Nadia, Kiera, Gen, whoever else was in our group, round North(?) Weald park, just sang and screamed the whole way round!

3rd: Round Rachel's with Chloe and Frances, decorating Ginger bread men! :')

7th: Heidi's 16th in Club Fusion. Me and Megan didn't know anyone there except Sanjana but was a good night!

30th: Day trip to The Somme in France with the history group. Had to be at school at 5am and got back about 10pm. Including loads of banter on the coach and an emotional day looking round the trenches.

5th: Black Eyed Peas with Megan! We were so far at the back at the O2, but to this day, one of the best concerts I've been to, they were amazing live!

17th: (and some other days!) Last days of school, got all emotional! Hahaha

19th: Last assembly and King George's which was crap!

29th: Went round Louise's and completely forgot to put on any form of make up. Will always remember that! And when Janice was driving me home, I was completely pissing mysef in the car about a slug(?) on the floor and we were all paniking that it was the Kracken and it was guna engulf the car. LOOOOOL.

2nd: Meal with the crew in Prezzos!

3rd: Tabi round, just casually ;)

18th: Cricket Club with the crew - just went and sat in Courages for the nigt!

23rd: X Factor auditions with Ronan and Louise! What. A. Day. So much hassle. Got there, right at the front of the queue, YES! But oh waited in the boiling hot sun with nothing to do and no drinks for like 5 hours, cos the judges were LATE. Grrr, everyone was so aggy! Was a good audition show tho!

28th: LAST GCSE EXAM! C4,5,6, easy! Flew by! Then it was a rave up round my house with the crew, BBQ, drinks (mainly shots & pimms), tunessss. Was a great way to celebrate 2 months of freedom!

30th: (I think) London with the crew! Bought these weird towel bath things and was wearing them around London, so funny!!

2nd: Eclipse at Basildon cinema at midnight for Rachel's birthday. Coming out at 3am, place was buzzing! Then stayed in Rachel's shed.

3rd: Massive BBQ in garden, took the fence pannels out and everything! Loads of people, loads of booze, loads of tunes! It was a Hawaiian theme so everyone was in hula skirts, flowers in their hair and bright colours!

5th: Went Lakeside with Bunny, chatted to the bloke in the Orange shop for about 3456 hours!!

10th: Had my spray tan in the morning and my dad put the paddling pool up, WTF. Neighbours came in for a dip haha!

12th: PROM! The prettiest day of my life. Everyone looked so beautiful and I just loved getting dressed up. Amazing day!

13th: Ended up going on a trip to Southwold with my nan... on a coach with a load of old people! It was a lovely (windy and cold) day out with my Nan and Grandad though!

16th: Blackout with the crew. OMG this night was just hilarious!

19th: Toy Story 3 3D with Louise :)

20th-10th August: CCYYPPRUUSS.... you can go read my 8,000 word blog about it if you want, HA!

11th: Met up in Costa with Rachel and Chloe and discussed holidays xD

12th: James and Matthew came round. Day consisted of playing on PS3 and Wii.

13th: Went to the cinema with the Hardy's and their friends to see The A-Team, such a good film!

16th: Louise came round and we just took so many photos on my brothers webcam and jammed to a bit of The Wanted!

19th: James and Matthew came round again. Day, again, consisted of playing on PS3 and Wii. 

20th: Went to London with the Hardy's. Went to Tower of London, Tower Bridge, all the shizzle :)

22nd: Saw Knight And Day in the cinema with Chloe and Rachel. "Anybody want a cluster?!"

24th: GCSE results day: Bundle of nerves! But calmed down when I managed to buy V2011 tickets for next year! Went to school with the crew and all got wonderful results! Went back to Rick's house, played some Mario Kart as ya do, then went for a lovely meal in Toby Carvery with all my fam, had some champers and loads of balloons. Great day :)

25th: Went and had a mini party in Rachel's shed with just Chloe ;) Spent about an hour talking about V!

28th: Madamme Tussauds with Sandra and fam. Did the Big Brother Diary Room which was pretty hilarious :') And was just a good day out in London.

2nd: Went round to Oli's to watch Fight Club!

3rd: Family Fortunes with Rachel and Oli! Saw Heather from Eastenders, Bobby Davro, bloke from Boyzone and some other woman. Funny times on the way home on the train with the melted after 8 mints!

6th: Frist day back at school. Sixth form. End of freedom. Oo.

11th: Louise's 17th gathering - included Twister, The Ring, pizzaaa and weird balloon faces!

17th: My first proper quiz night in Blackmore, didn't know any questions and I must have been the youngest one there by about 40 years :/

3rd: Nice family trip to Joy Fook for my birthday, neighbours came too and we kinda took over the restaurant!

4th: My 17th Birthday. And my first driving lesson! Holy shizzle... I had no idea I was having it and got into the car shaking like an old bloke. Was so good tho, couldn't wipe the smile of my face!

6th: Road Runner with the school.

8th: Life as we know it at the cinema with Rachel and Sophie, quite a funny film actually! Then Louisa's birthday meal in Nandos :)

9th: My little gathering for my birthday. Just had all the girls round for X Factor and some pizza (and a choc fountain!)

15th: Vampires Suck at the cinema with Rachel Sophie after school.

25th: Went round to Chloe's with the crew and went on Chat Roulette... haven't screamed so much in a while ;)

26th: Took a trip to Chelmsford to meet up with Sanjana and Megan. Louise joined shortly after and told us about her crazy day of becoming a star <3

27th: Paranormal Activity 2 with Louise in the cinema. Oo scary shiz, atmosphere was hilarious tho, and the wonky screen at the start :')

28th: Went to the ole Science Museum in London with Mum and Rob. 

29th: Colchester Zoo with the Hardy's. We assigned everyone in my family an animal for their personality. I was a hyaena because I laugh too much :')

30th: Frances brithday meal in Nandos :)

10th: LINKIN PARK. Best night of my life? YES! Go read the blog.

11th: Went to see Chloe's show "Our House" at Brentwood Theatre. Was actually amazing! Was singing along to all the Madness songs haha.

16th: Went to see Chloe's other show "Hairspray" at Ursuline Girls. They should have all been in the West End, not even kidding. All were so so good!

18th: Maths Trip in London with the boys. Was actually alright - omg the knitting lecture WTF!!!

19th: Harry Potter 7 Part 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZINGGG! Went with all the crew from school - can't wait for the next one now :)

20th: Genna's 17th Partaytayy!! Lovely little tent in her garden, was a good night!

21st: Dinner round Tabi's. Watched Salt under all the duvets and sang into empty smirnoff bottles to Grease :)

27th: London with Nic - went Oxford Street, did a bit of shopping and McDonalds chatting :) So funny on the train on the way back haha! Then Max's 17th Partaytayy! In his shed... with loads of ball pit ball thingys flying around.. and haribos :')

30th: SNOW DAY! With Tabi Rachel and Lucas, wandering round for hours wondering what to do, then ended up in the pub for lunch.

1st-3rd: More snow days and Rob's 17th. Go read that blog.

10th: Louise, Max and Rob round ;D

11th: Louise, Chloe and Frances round to watch X Factor and TAKE ME OUT!

13th: Christine and Tony for dinner.

15th: Renaud's 18th Party at Bar West One. Had a good tiring night :)

17th: Last Day of school! An interesting walk to Costa with Rachel in the ice, then Megan came round, then it was MADNESS in the evening! One of the best bands live I have EVER seen! Do not adjust your nut!

18th: Went next door for drinks ;)

19th: Hardy's came round and we watched films and ate biscuits all day.

22nd: Meal at Zizzi's with the crew - was great to have a big catch up again :)

23rd: Ice Skating at Somerset House with like 15 other people. Was such a laugh and a good night out!

24th: Round Louise's decorating her Christmas cake - omg haven't laughed so much in ages! Then it was round to Tabi's in the evening with her nutty family and to The Hutton after that.

25th: Christmas Day :D (Well you all obv knew that!) Got up, opened prezzies, went to my Aunties, had the best dinner ever, opened more prezzies, played a 5 hour game of Monopoly. Wow

26th: Woke up on James' floor (Tom if you're reading this LOL) not really knowing where I was, went for a walk in Hainult forest, got lost, looked like the 3 wise men with our sticks, played with the Nerf guns, had another lovely dinner, played Just Dance 2.

27th: Neighbours came in..... nutters. Both of em.

29th: Went to cinema with Tabi to see Little Fockers. Meh it's alright, good trip tho!

31st: Now I'm just sitting here on New Years Eve about to do some Chemistry Revision trying very very hard to remember all the events that have happened this year. Yes, this is all from memory folks and I guess I will have to come back and edit things as I go along cos I can't possibly remember everthing from this year!

Have a great 2011 x

Sunday 5 December 2010

30th November - 3rd December

Walking home with Rachel at 3.15 on Monday 29th November, Rachel says "We're meant to have Thursday off due to snow!" Me: "Paa, they always say it'll snow, I doubt we will."

7.50 on Tuesday morning:
*wakes up and screams* WHY AM I NOT UP.... OMG I'M GOING TO BE SOOOO LATE!!!" *looks out the window* SNOW SNOW SNOW AND LOADS OF SNOW. Got back into bed and frantically searched Twitter/Facebook/Essex FM/Shenfield website to see if the school is closed... NOTHING. I was in no rush to get ready what so ever, I was still in bed at 8.15. Then thought well I'll dress up in "snowy clothes" that I can just wear to school if I ever get round to going. At 9 Tabi rang me and warned me not to come in, they were keeping all the kids in the hall watching Harry Potter and she said they won't let them out :S Buuuuttt then she escaped with Lucas and Rachel and they walked down to meet me. We ended up all pushing a mini up Rayleigh Road and had an argument with some fat bloke cos we didn't have a shovel on us, WTF! Then just wandered all round Shenfield, trying to kill a couple of hours before we could go to The Rose for a pub lunch! When we walked in their, all the PE teachers were in there like :| We had a lovely bacon burger and a glass of wine cos we're cool (Y). After, I went back to Tabi's and raved around her house to some tunnneeessss and then went out a rolled round in the snow, ha! I went to bed that night, with an alarm set for 8, thinking we would never be going to school in the morning. If we didn't me and Rob would plan on going to get Louise in the snow ;)

7.15 on Wednesday morning:
"CCCLLLAAARREEEE SSCCHHOOOLLSSSS CCAANNNCCEELLLLLLEDDD!" Oh yeah cheers, thanks Mum, kinda gathered that. *burys head back under covers* At about 7.45 woke up, got ready and went to Rob's where we made this really cool tunnel thing to put legs in using a dustbin (It's melting now :() With Chris we managed to create a terrorist snowman (pretty freaky) and shove a bread knife in it just to add to the touch! After Max came we walked to Louise's to try and get her to come out but she was quite comfortable at home ;) So we wondered to get Genna and then went to Max's garden with the sledge. Well the rest of the day basically consisted of throwing snow at George when he arrived, building a slope with ramps in so we could sledge down this massive hill in his neighbours garden, joining all the sledges together like a train (including a wheelbarrow at one point), crashing into "Dan's Bush" at the bottom of the garden every time we sledged down, Rob flying over the ramp and clearing 4 people lying down underneath him (that was pretty amazing not guna lie). It started to get reaaaalllly cold so we all went in Max's shed and watched Toy Story 3 ;) That night I slept downstairs on the sofa cos I was way to cold to be in my no-heating room! Watched a couple of Christmas films to celebrate the 1st December ;)

8.30 on Thursday morning:
School off again woo! Gen text me saying we were all going out again so I walked round to her house and met Rob then walked to Max's again. We sat in the shed for a while, playing ATHENS 04 ;) and a bit of Mario. We basically did the same as Tues but this time with John (woop!) Managed to get 9 of us on 3 sledges going down the slope, had a ssllooww snowball fight which me and Genna just observed ;), did some more crashing into "Dan's Bush" (I'm totally guna miss that bush, but hope it's okay - it got a bit abused by us). We finished the evening with some pizza and watching Catch Me If You Can which is a really good film. I went to babysit pretty much straight after and stayed up on my laptop till about 1, waiting for Rob's birthday ;) The school were v kind today and told us the day before that we were off school on the Friday, yaaahhh!

9.00 on Friday morning:
ROB'S BIRTHDAY XD. Stayed at Chrissy's until about 12, trying to put her Christmas lights up outside her house and defrosting her car. Came home and spent about 234567 hours trying to get the key out of the frozen box on the side of my house! Moped around the house for a while until me and Rob decided it was snow time again! We discovered the knife in his garden, luckily. Then invited ourselves round to Max's again. Played some Star Wars Battlefront 2, which was interesting..., then some Mario Kart, CLASSIC! Beat Rob 2-1 at pool then came back. Snow was pretty crappy so couldn't do much. Slipped about 23456 times walking back, meh. Then just got ready for Rob's party that night, woooo! Got dropped at Genna's and walked round there fashionably late of course! The whole evening was really really good. Me and Louise got a bit excited about the wonders of the Sun etc.. that was interesting! And yeah just didn't want the night too end at all, it was amazingggg! A big thanks to Rob xD It was a very unforgettable night and a really good way to celebrate the end of 4 incredible days and of course his birthday :D xxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 13 November 2010

Linkin Park

On the 29th January 2008, I travelled down to the O2 arena with my friend Hannah to go and this Linkin Park live. Our seats were right at the top of the arena, pretty much in the corner at the back. Biffy Clyro came on stage, didn't have much interest in them at that time. They were good, very good live. I only knew two of their songs at that point but still loved it. In the break between Biffy Clyro and Linkin Park, it got really cold up there and I was shaking like mad. I also needed to go to the toilet about 234567 times! I took this as a bad sign, thought I was ill or something. The lights went off, stage lights came on, the first beats of "No More Sorrow" started playing and that was when I knew. This was going to be the best night of my life. The curtain dropped, and there they were. 6 of them, Chester, Rob, Brad, David, Joe and Mike. I knew that the shaking and the coldness came from my excitment of seeing them. It probably sounds sad but it honestly happened. Me and Hannah couldn't sit in the seats the whole way through it, so we spoke to the girls next to us, and we were the first in our block to get up and rave. The whole time I kept looking at the standing area and seeing everyone so close up. That is where I wanted to be...

And that was where I was on the 10th November 2010. The "A Thousand Suns" tour. For nearly 3 years, I was constantly on their website, the O2 website, you name it, looking for when they might be touring next. And finally, sometime in June, I was looking through my emails, when I saw "Presale Linkin Park today" This was at 8pm. *OOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGG but daymm I'm too late* Went crazy at my friend Oli, saying I'm booking tickets right now and you're coming with me! Rang them up and they said the standing is fully booked but there are a few seats left right at the top of the arena *daym - I don't want it like last time.* I could either wait until the morning, risking that I don't get "normal" tickets or go for the crappy seated ones. I went for the crappy seated ones. YES I WAS GOING! Come 9am the next morning, I was on that website with my mums credit card ordering 2 standing tickets. Ticket number 83. GET IN. I WAS GOING TO BE STANDING IN THE ARENA! WOOOOO! Now I just had to get rid of my other 2 tickets. Dan and Huw brought them off me. Now all I had to do was wait until the day, and iron my LP jumper.

The day came. During the day was just the same as any other day. Didn't really think much about it, travelled up there pretty much straight from school with the other 3. Had a starbucks and me and Oli had to queue in a really cold dark area of the O2 for like 2 hours. I was getting really impatient. Got into the arena... walked STRAIGHT TO THE FRONT of the floor. Eventually the support band "Does It Offend You, Yeah?" came on, I actually quite liked them. They were very rock electronic which I liked and it felt like my insides were coming out. These two boys in front of us, must have been about 19/20ish, turned around whilst we were standing there and we were just chatting about gigs we had previously been too etc. They were realy nice ;)

After they had finished we had to wait for Linkin Park to come on, that felt like a million years. We were all debating what the first song would be - we voted the catalyst.

At 8.32 the lights went off, the music of "The Requiem" came on, and this was it! They ran onto the stage and I died inside, too shocked that I was only a few metres away. They broke into "Wretches and Kings" which was pretty amazing! And then "Lying From You" came on, and the crowd went completely and utterly mental. I didn't know it was possible but I must have travelled forward about 10 metres. It was crazy, people were going mental, so I just went with the flow and made myself at home. Me and Oli got parted straight away but I managed to stay with the 2 guys in front of us luckily enough. So we would just shout and scream and jump up and down together. And look at each other like :O when a song WE LOVED came on. This happened for "New Divide", "Faint", "Numb", "Breaking the Habit", "Crawling" and "One Step Closer". They went off stage and my face was :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ !!!!!!!!!! Okay they'll come back on for an encore but they haven't even played the ULTIMATE TUNES! Back they came,
20. "Fallout"
21. "The Catalyst"
22. "Leave Out All The Rest"
23. "In the End"(contains elements of "Pushing Me Away")
24. "What I've Done"
25. "Bleed It Out"(contains excerpts from "A Place For My Head")
Talk about a long encore! IT WAS INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
Then they officially went offstage and the lights came on. I relocated Oli and we followed the 2 guys out of the arena chatting to them as we went... and the night came to an end.

It was honestly hands on my heart the best night of my whole life. It is now 20:45 on a Saturday night and it hasn't for one minute exited my mind. I've had their songs on repeat and just haven't stopped loving them. Now I just await for the day that they next come on tour, because I'd never miss them for the World. Just my all time favourite. LOVE IT.

Sunday 5 September 2010

Family Fortunes

I just typed this all out and deleted it all... FAIL.

On the 3rd September (My Aunties birthday in case you were wondering) I met Rachel and Oli at Shenfield station at 3.30 (Molly couldn't come because she couldn't get back in the evening, gay!) and we went to Liverpool Street, then Bank, then got on the Waterloo and City Line to Waterloo. We got on that train and looked at the map of how many stops there are. There is only 2 stations, it just goes between the two. One line. I was creasin up - needed an iron I tell ya! LOL!

I had to get the instructions out on how to get there cos I couldn't remember from last time we went. But we found it fine and was nearer the front of the queue than we were last time. It was in the shade so was pretty cold just sitting on the floor. Eventually they came around with the wristbands and we had priority tickets so had a red one. Number 9, 10 and 11 we were, woop! Then we went for a walk along the Southbank, had a cup of tea, watched some breakdancers, spoke to some random french tourist guy who had a go at me for saying that "they weren't poor". That was kinda freaky actually, he was still talking about how they can afford to eat when I was like 10 miles away!

We walked back to the queue and there were loadssssssssssssssssss of people there, but of course, off we plundered to the front of the first queue woop! We waited there for about 10 minutes tops then got let in... we got put rightttt at the front, literally the first row, on the left. Then the almighty Ian Royce came on to warm up the audience...

He stole a girls phone and rang her mum and said "Alright, just shagging ya daughter, how's it going?!", took the mic out of an Indian lady, invited a typical Essex woman who worked for "PAAANND LAAAAND" to the stage, stole someones Tuc biscuits, annoyed all the set crew etc etc... UNTIL... he introduced the beautiful Vernon Kay!

And he got straight to business really, introduced the first guests... Jo Wood (model and rock chick kinda thing) and BOBBY DAVRO... possibly one of the funniest people I know. He was cracking all the jokes out!! And his really old dad who said for "Name a fruit you can eat whole".. he said an apple. He was a legend! The Davro's won that game

The second guests were Cheryl Fergison (HEATHER FROM EASTENDERS... ANOTHER CRACKER!) She was hilarious... so much skinnier in real life as well!! And the other guest was Mikey Graham (from Boyzone) who was actually really cool. Mikey's family won the game so at the end when they do the 5 questions... his brother I think it was, said February in answer to "Name a month with 31 days" OUT OF ALL THE MONTHS!!! Vernon just stood there for about half hour staring at him like WTF! When Mikey come out he was no better... he said September... so they both failed that one!

We left there at about half 10 and got home by about 12. On the train on the way back to Shenfield, the after 8's had melted in Rachel's bag and they just went everywhere, it was actually hilarious (had to be there kind of funny) I was wetting myself. Goooddddddddddddd night :) xx

Monday 30 August 2010

50 Random Things About Me

1. I love the smell of fresh grass
2. Me and Frances are completely obsessed with a.r and we are celebrating his birthday
3. Me and Louise know all the words for Madagascar
4. The sound of a can opening is the best sound ever. And the sound of ice crackling
5. I bum doctor who
6. I can turn my eyelids inside out quite badly
7. I stick my tongue out when I type lol, sometimes
8. My favourite shop is new look
9. I have a half English half Japanese cousin
10. I have only had two KFC’s in my whole life
11. I never forget the horrible things that have happened/arguments/good memories. NEVER!
12. I have seen every single episode of friends
13. I used to watch SpongeBob every morning before school
14. I watch lots of murder stuff on TV... you know the sort
15. I go kickboxing
16. Me and Louise have meetings every Saturday when doctor who is on
17. I’ve been to Britain’s got talent, family fortunes and x factor live auditions
18. There is always a radio playing in my house
19. I’m the next person to get married in my family, scary
20. I’ve only been sick 3 times in my whole life
21. I like to exercise... as in I got running a lot
22. I don’t like Indian food
23. I over think things way too much and get quite jealous sometimes, but I always keep that to myself!
24. Music (well only certain songs) makes me want to explode
25. I got an A* in maths GCSE
26. I want to be a physiotherapist
27. I love airports
28. If I had lots of money I would be obsessed with shoes, unfortunately I can’t do that right now.
29. Once I start to clean or tidy something up, I can’t stop
30. I support west ham
31. I’m left handed, yeah boy!
32. I LIKE to iron
33. I don’t like getting up late as the day is already wasted.
34. I love love
35. I also know all the words to School of Rock
36. I just love Africa, want to go there!
37. My favourite animal is a penguin
38. My favourite TV shows are Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty
39. I have a scrap book full of memories
40. I could play Sims all day every day if I could
41. I have a thing for ice-cream, snickers and cream teas. Wow
43. Joy Fook and Nandos are the best restaurants
44. I’m quite a sensitive person.
45. I’ve never really done anything that I regret
46. Don’t talk to me unless you want to talk properly, I have no time for you otherwise
47. I bite my lip, a lot, even when it gets sore and bleeds sometimes, I can’t stop. Only lip balm can save me.
48. If I’m not doing anything I will play with my hair. That annoys me.
49. I hate the crowds and busyness of London
50. I’ll keep anything that’s worth any valuable to me or if it came from someone special.